Sunday, 11 October 2009

Quick Updates.....

dropping by a random quick post
whole Sunday afternoon i spent
finishing up my EC assignment
and then i continued with the

DBA research paper (

currently im sitting in front of
the laptop screen and hands

on the keyboard typing this post
just to kill time till 6pm
30 more minutes
i'll be leaving
my house to a dinner party
organised by an automotive company's
customer of my dad's

(read properly it is not
my dad's company,
but it's my dad's customer)

at Chong Hwa Independant School's Hall

(Tomoki, this sounds familiar to you, am i right ???)

seriously i would rather prefer

to stay at home to finish up

all my workloads but my dad is
leaving to Vietnam tomorrow, 5:30am
so i'll have to accompany him
the last family dinner

(i wonder it sounds like a family dinner)

Counting Down : 30 more minutes


im back !!!
the dinner party at my table

included 9 people only
anyway nothing much to describe

the first part of the agenda
all the performance
by primary school
of SJK (C) Khai Chee
but then all the entertainments ended
before the arrival of the VIP

after the arrival of VIP -
Datuk Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong
(Malaysian Deputy Minister of Education)

it then only started with
the agenda of the EMPTA event

my ticket of the dinner

the 3 tickets given by Uncle Wen !!!
Thanks, Uncle Wen !!!

Sign off !!!

(1976 - 2009)

Edited on 12.10.09 @ 00:43
Bro WJ, Get Well Soon!!!

gonna leave the house soon
(at 6pm sharp),

and will " never " plan
come back home again.....


  1. @Tomoki
    in the end, no parking got to park until the hostel there >.<

  2. awww.. stephen gately will be missed..
    his voice was nice! =(
    people come and people go..

  3. @AL
    yeah... all his fans or even fans of Boyzone will miss him.....
    but unfortunately his death is still a mystery.... =(
