Wednesday, 31 July 2013

RIP, Chua Boon Huat

1st August started with a very shocking and saddening news of the second death of a Malaysia's sports man, the 33-year-old midfielder-striker with jersey No. 3, who died in a car accident at 2:30am along LDP highway.

Some view the news as a blessing as Marcus met all his team-mates and hockey officials at a breaking of fast function 7 hours earlier before his death and he was well known as a jovial self, and also interviewed by television channels on his Asia Cup aspirations.

In these recent years, when all the ugly politics, terrorism, childish racial tensions, snatched thefts and more recent shootings engulf the national papers' front page every day; we often seek solace via diverting to other genre of national news, and for sports lovers, undeniable it would be the sports news.

We are lucky to live through an era where Malaysia's sports are commendable. In soccer, the likes of Azman Adnan, Dollah Salleh, Zainal Abidin sprang on our mind. While for badminton, Rashid Sidek, Lee Chong Wei, Foo Kok Keong held special places in everyone's heart.

Not forgetting female athletes - Nicol David, Pandelela, Leong Mun Yee, and the list goes on which should be including Azizul Hasni Awang, Josiah Ng, Watson Nyambek have shown their results and glory for the country.

Just mentioned the names are real Malaysian heroes true legends! In hockey, we will always remember names like Nor Saiful Zaini, S. Kuhan, Mirnawan Nawawi and at a certain, the decease - Marcus Chua Boon Huat.

I am lucky to have met him once in a bak kut teh stall. A hero left us, left us for good, yet left us with fond memories. This hero is not someone who puts on airs, yet he just had this presence. 

Goodbye, Malaysian hero! 
Rest in peace, Marcus Chua Boon Huat.

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