Friday, 13 July 2012

Why Path???

i have been a silent user on Facebook but
nevertheless being extremely active on Twitter
for my personal usage, i am very keen of a
high privacy social media services which at
times i could spit out words of true feelings

remember one of my blog post, titled "Path - Will
you give it a try?", introducing this new social
media named, Path and i cannot deny that
until today i am still comfortably using it on my
Android phone. Why? Read David's post here...

there was this statistic (watch the video here)
from Shakil, the Head of Special Projects of Path 
stated that there were 3 million registered Path 
users in total across the world, and what will be 
the reason that made Path having the initiative
to add new Asian languages support? The answer
revealed from Jacky Yap's article, read here

refreshing back the memories of how i get to
know this simple functionality interface app
was after having a conversation with Michelle
but unfortunately after downloading, registering,
we came to a point that we only have few friends

the main reason of Path usage is because with
the small amount of friends being added i could
comfortably share those precious moments only
with them rather than those strangers intruding
my privacy mainly on Facebook or Twitter

at this moment where David Tan, another friend of
mine who started Path a month after me suggested
the conversation between some random strangers
(known as far away business partners) and we came
to a point to finally add these "strangers" to keep
the conversation on going on Path's timeline

suggestions given to organise the 1st Get Together 
for Malaysia Path's Users (read the post here
in order to quench the curiosity of these "strangers", 
we had a second coffee session at Starbucks @ 
Damansara Utama and also a small group of us 
who went for movie outing

Coffee Session with the Path-Kaki's at Starbucks @ Uptown
(Photo by: Trina's @ facebook photo album)

The Amazing Spider-Man - Movie Outing
with David and Trina (both Path-kaki's)
(Photo credit: David Tan, with Instant effect)

Have you thought of broadening your friendship
through meeting up different "strangers"? you
have a great opportunity this coming 14th July,
Saturday, 12pm at Rakuzen, Tropicana City Mall to join 
the "2nd Get Together for Malaysia Path Users"!

i personally have the goal or mission to bring up 
the community of Path users in Malaysia to a stage
where we could gather up together to organise
more fun and exciting gatherings and outings!

Overall, i am excited and looking forward towards
this second gathering as the number of attendees
doubled from the first gathering. i also hope that
the attendees will have a memorable moment and
also gained them the opportunity to increase the
"strangers" within their friend's list on Path

Stay tuned for more exciting write up!

Disclaimer: this blog post and events are not
affiliated with or funded by Path, Inc.

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