Monday, 23 November 2009

Weird Dream.....

i've already almost spent
about a total of 4 months
of my entire fifth semester
and now it's almost coming
to an end of the year 2009

i've been thinking whether
i was all these while
being procrastinating on
different types of incident
different types of feelings

all these while of facing
the assignment stress made
me kinda hard to describe
whether im on the mood to
still be completing my
assignments or i shall just
put it away and start studying

the examination is set to
on or even idle for the time
as me myself can't even
notice or even realized

whether im totally prepared
for my final examinations

today was the first day
to face the earliest exam
among all my subjects
which is Tertiary English 2
the semester of the language
department always ends a week
earlier than the IT department

this early morning of the day
didn't know that a weird dream
woke me up about 5:30am but the
dream really was unexplainable
and i'll never dream whenever i sleep
the dream really kept me awake
till i never fall back asleep

headed to college about 9:00am
again being in the library
and started studying for TE2
as i never touched any notes
for the whole long weekend

anyway, the sad part was
i couldn't believe that
i could finish the paper
in one hour time and made me
stood there to find my own
mistakes and error for a
better correction

the whole problem was i can't
even find any mistakes or
corrections to correct it
in the end i handed up
my paper at 2pm sharp

as usual later in the evening
i will stay in the library
till about 8pm or 9pm
today was surprisingly
shocked to see one of my friend
being so fast in action to
pack up her stuff and head out

from the library
when she
received a call and the

next incident occur when i was
on my way back home from college
jia hong received a phone call
from kah sing
informing that
michelle's car was unable to
start due to long rang alarm
for the whole long day
anyway, was kind enough to
bring the jagger from home to help
her charge the car battery
thank God it started again
after a few try


thanks for fetching me back twice

of taking the Jagger for Michelle


sorry that i couldn't help you much

but im glad that the Jagger really

helped to start your engine again

Drive safe, take care !!!

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